Evenings With Experts is a free public lecture series by Grow Native Massachusetts. Read more about this event on their website.
Cities, towns and watersheds have a vital role to play in strengthening, expanding and enhancing regional biodiversity, ecological health, and climate resilience. On sidewalks, parks, campuses, working lands, conservation properties, front lawns and backyard gardens, functionally diverse native pollinator habitat can serve as a building block for linking intact natural areas across a fragmented landscape. But what to plant, where to focus on first and how to measure the results? Evan Abramson of Landscape Interactions will present a series of case studies from project sites across the Northeast. An interactive discussion with audience members will follow.
No registration required.
Attendees can expect to learn basic information on planning for sunlight and soil moisture conditions of their yards, starting plants from seeds with multiple methods, growing in raised beds and containers, and tips for protecting plants from common pests. This class will be focused on plants that grow well outdoors in Massachusetts. Corey Barr and Linda Relson, members of the WCG Board and Pollinator Pathways Committee, will be presenting.
Link to the Library's event page
Learn how to sow native plants from seeds that need to experience winter to grow!
Brought to you by the Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways Group and hosted by Mass Audubon's Habitat Education Center & Wildlife Sanctuary.
Click here to register.
Due to limited room size, each person can plant up to 4 one-gallon jugs (or the equivalent in clamshell containers or 6” pots).
Please bring tools — awl, drill, heavy scissors — if you have them, your own containers, and native seeds that you have collected.
We will supply potting soil, seeds from the MCPPG library, duct tape, markers, blank labels and tools, and have on hand extra gallon jugs.
A donation of $2.00 for supplies is appreciated.
For questions please email: mysticcharles.pollinatorpaths@gmail.com or call Jean @ 617-947-6256. (If you need to cancel at last minute, please let us know.)
Come in person to a free event. Gather ideas for planting a low maintenance garden in the bump-out (curb extensions) or planting strip in front of your home. With a few feet of planted green space, you can offer food sources, water, shelter, and places to raise young for our native pollinators, the bees, butterflies, insects and birds.
The focus is on native plants and perennials that thrive in typically dry, neglected areas.
This event will include an informational presentation followed by a design activity with small breakout groups. Participants under 12 years old are welcome with a parent or guardian, but the presentation and activity are written for adults.
Melinda Dennis, Marilyn Salvas, and other members of WCG will present the workshop.
Evenings With Experts is a free public lecture series by Grow Native Massachusetts. Read more about this event on their website and register here.
To see information from previous workshops and events, check out our Workshop Materials Resources page!
Watertown Community Gardens is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
P.O. Box 1041, Watertown, MA 02471